フェルディナント&リシテア外伝 因果応報 Retribution
Amid riots in Hrym territory, Ferdinand learns that his missing father, Duke Aegir, has been found. Lysithea, who knows the area well, goes with him to investigate.
(フリュム領・森 昼)
Forest (Hrym Territory) | Daytime
エーギル公: はあっ……はあっ……はあっ……はあっ……
Duke Aegir: Can't...stop...running...
エーギル公: はあっ……はあっ……ぜぇっ、はあっ……ひっ!?
Duke Aegir: Wha―?!
ごろつき: 待てや、てめえ!そのツラ、宰相エーギルだろ!
Rogue: We got you! You're the prime minister, aren't you?
エーギル公: いや、もう宰相じゃねえよな。地位も権力も失った、ただの男だ……。
Rogue: Not anymore. He lost his power and his fancy title. Now he's just a man.
エーギル公: ち、違う……!私は……!
Duke Aegir: I...
ごろつき: うっせえ!
Rogue: Shut up!
ごろつき: てめえが今まで何やってきたか、わかってんだろうな!?
Rogue: Yeah! Do you know what you've done to regular folks like us?
ごろつき: そうだそうだ!お前の領地だけじゃない!
滅茶苦茶になったんだぞ!重税に、人足の徴発! 横暴な商売!
Rogue: Since you villains took over the Hrym territory, our lives have been nothing but pain and misery! Heavy taxes, forced labor. It's brutal!
ごろつき: 殺してやる!ぶっ殺してやる!
Rogue: Now we're gonna make you pay!
エーギル公: ひっ……ひぎっ……え、えぎゃああああああっ!
Duke Aegir: Agh! Argh! Aaaaaaaargh!
(談話室 昼)
Common Room | Daytime
フェルディナント: ……ふむ。教団の倉庫にはなかなか良い茶葉が眠っているな。
Ferdinand: Hm, such a nice selection of tea leaves in the pantry here.
リシテア: 確かにお茶は美味しいですけど。甘いお菓子がないと物足りませんね。
Lysithea: Tea is nice and all, but it's not much good when you don't have sweets to go with it.
フェルディナント: 甘味はそう頻繁に入ってはこないからね。戦争は甘くはないということさ。
Ferdinand: Sweet treats are less common, yes, but perhaps that makes sense. War is not sugar-coated.
リシテア: ……上手いこと言ってる暇があったら、甘いお菓子を探してきてほしいですけど。
Lysithea: If you've got time to be cheeky, you've got time to find me some sweets.
フェルディナント: ふっ、まあ私は君の甘い笑顔があれば……
Ferdinand: But Lysithea, your smile is so sweet―
セイロス騎士: フェルディナント殿!話し中、失礼する!
Knight of Seiros: Lord Ferdinand! Excuse the interruption.
Our scouts happened upon the information you were looking for.
I thought it would be best to let you know as soon as possible.
フェルディナント: 情報?……まさか、父の行方がわかったのか!?
Ferdinand: They know where my father is?!
セイロス騎士: そのとおりだ。
Knight of Seiros: Yes, sir.
フェルディナント: 今すぐ、教えてくれ!
Ferdinand: Tell me, now.
セイロス騎士: ああ。君の父は、宰相を解任された後、長い間、アンヴァルに軟禁されていた。
Knight of Seiros: After losing his position as prime minister, your father was held in Enbarr for a very long time. He escaped. For a while, no one knew where he was. The other day, however, he was sighted alone in the Hrym territory. Seemed he was heading for an allied region.
リシテア: フリュム領……。
Lysithea: Hrym...
フェルディナント: ……まさか、単身でか!?それで、接触は……
Ferdinand: Alone, you say. Was he safe?
セイロス騎士: 実は……フリュム領では今、大規模な暴動が起こっているのだ。
Knight of Seiros: I'm afraid not... There is a major insurrection happening in the Hrym territory.
It's been five years since Duke Aegir lost his control of the area...
The military seems to have finally lost control, and the people's violence is unleashed.
フェルディナント: 暴動……? なぜ、そんなことに……。
Ferdinand: I do not understand. Why are they rioting?
リシテア: なぜって、何も不思議なことはないじゃありませんか。
Lysithea: It's obvious, isn't it?
Ferdinand, do you really know nothing about Hrym?
Your own father was ruling it― you don't know what became of the area once he fell from power?
フェルディナント: ……エーギルの本領であれば、勉強もかねて統治の真似事もやっていた。
Ferdinand: If it was truly a House Aegir territory, I would have been trained in governing the area. But my father insisted that I have nothing to do with Hrym. But now is not the time to talk about this. We have to help him before he gets caught up in the violence.
リシテア: そうですね。急いで行ったほうがいいんじゃないですか?
Lysithea: You're right. Now isn't the time for chitchat. Let's get over there quickly. Professor, will you be coming?
Choice 1: 一緒に行こう(外伝戦闘へ) I'll go with you. (Begin Paralogue battle)
リシテア: それじゃ、今すぐ出発しましょう。
Lysithea: We'd better depart as soon as possible. I know a bit about the situation. I'll fill you in later.
Choice 2: 待ってほしい(準備に戻る) I want you to wait. (Return to previous screen)
フェルディナント: わかった。先生が行けないなら騎士団に協力を頼むから、無理にとは言わない。
Ferdinand: I understand. If you cannot help us, the Knights of Seiros will, so it is not a problem.
リシテア: 先生、もし一緒に来てくれるなら、できるだけ早めに準備をお願いしますね。
Lysithea: Professor, time is of the essence. If you're going to come with us, prepare as quickly as you can.
フェルディナント: 父が目撃されたのは、この辺りか……?至るところで民が暴れているな。
Ferdinand: This is where my father was sighted? The citizens are rioting everywhere.
リシテア: あっ、襲われている家がありますよ!早く助けないと……!
Lysithea: Over there! Quick―we need to help them!
フェルディナント: ああ……それと、暴徒を扇動している者たちがいるようだ。
Ferdinand: There seem to be some people inciting the violence.
If we take them out, perhaps the violence will subside.
リシテア: ある程度、手分けして動いたほうがいいかもしれませんね。
Lysithea: It might be best to spread out...
フェルディナント: 街の北のほうは、手がつけられない状態になっているな……。
Ferdinand: The north side of the town is in chaos. I do not think we can advance.
リシテア: 北は押さえを置くだけにして、東や南の民の救出を優先したほうがいいかも。
Lysithea: It seems better to simply hold the line against the enemies to the north, and focus our efforts on saving the citizens in the east and south.
Villager: Th-thank you! Looks like I won't be robbed this time!
Villager: Thank you ever so much for helping us! I don't know what would have happened if it weren't for you...
村人あ、あんたは命の恩人だあ!助かった! 助かったぞ!
Villager: We owe you our lives! We're saved! Saved, I say!
Villager: I get to live another day, and it's all because you came to the rescue!
リシテア: 他に逃げ遅れた住民はいないみたいですね。みんな助けられて良かったです。
Lysithea: I think that's all of them. I'm so glad we were able to help everyone.
ごろつき: よっしゃあ! 根こそぎ奪っちまえ!
Rogue: All right! Let's ransack this place!
リシテア: 間に合いませんでしたか……。せめて、他の住民は救わないと……!
Lysithea: Ugh, we weren't fast enough! But there's still time to save the others. Hurry!
ごろつき: そうだ、もっとやれ! がっははは!
Rogue: Oh yeah, keep going! Hahaha!
フェルディナント: またやられたか!次こそは必ず救い出すのだ!
Ferdinand: They got past us...again. We have to save the next one!
ごろつき: やりたい放題、やらせてもらうぜ!
Rogue: I'll take whatever I want, and there ain't nothing you can do to stop me!
リシテア: あそこも襲われてしまいました!残る住民は……
Lysithea: Ugh, they ransacked another house! But there may be others yet who need our help.
ごろつき: いいぞ、てめえら! 奪い尽くせええ!!
Rogue: All right, boys! Smash and grab whatever's left!
フェルディナント: くっ……誰も救えないとは……!己の無力さに腹が立つ……!
Ferdinand: We could not save anyone?! It infuriates me to feel so helpless...
ごろつき: おっと、まだ無傷の家が残ってるな!今度はあそこを略奪してやろうぜ!
Rogue: Oh, looky there, some houses are still untouched! Let's give 'em a good plundering, boys!
リシテア: 先生、急いで助けに行きましょう。このままでは……!
Lysithea: Professor, let's make haste and go help them! Their lives may be forfeit if we don't get to them quickly.
vs ごろつき(左上の敵将)
ごろつき: 何だ、てめえ!俺たちの邪魔をすんじゃねえよ!
Rogue (Sniper): What do you want?! You'd better not stand in our way!
ごろつき: クソッ……せっかく……貴族を殺して……財宝を奪ったのに……
Rogue (Sniper): And after I went to all the trouble of killing that noble and stealing his treasure...
フェルディナント: ! それは、まさか……父の……!……間に合わなかったのか。
Ferdinand: Father, no! So, we were too late after all...
vs ごろつき(下の敵将)
ごろつき: おらあっ!てめえら、暴れまくるんだ!
Rogue (Grappler): Hyaah! Go on, boys! Riot to your heart's content!
ごろつき: げはっ……俺だけが悪いんじゃ……ねえってのに……
Rogue (Grappler): Argh! I'm not the only...bad guy here...
ごろつき: ひええっ!? お、俺たちゃ降伏する!そいつに唆されてただけなんだ!
Rogue (Thief): What?! W-we give up! Have mercy! That guy made us do it!
vs ごろつき(右下の敵将)
ごろつき: がはははっ!暴動を起こせば、やりたい放題だぜ!
Rogue (Swordmaster): Hahaha! If we cause enough chaos, we can do whatever we want!
ごろつき: やりたい放題……できなかった……
Rogue (Swordmaster): My ambition...unfulfilled...
ごろつき: 降参! 降参だ! 俺らはそいつに言われて好きでもねえのに暴れてたんだよ!
Rogue (Thief): We yield! Yield! We were just following orders! It's not like we love a good riot, really!
リシテア: あの、フェルディナント……
Lysithea: Ferdinand... Hey.
フェルディナント: ……何だい?
Ferdinand: Yes?
リシテア: お父様のこと、何と言っていいか……
Lysithea: I... I don't know what to say. About your father, I mean.
フェルディナント: いや、いいんだ。ずっと覚悟はしていた。
Ferdinand: No, it is all right. Some part of me was expecting this. I do not know what happened in Hrym territory, but I'm sure he got what he deserved. You knew more about it, you said? Maybe you can tell me everything later.
リシテア: それじゃ、わたしが知っている範囲で話しますけど……
Lysithea: I can tell you what I know.
フェルディナント: ああ、頼む。
Ferdinand: Please do.
リシテア: フェルディナントも「フリュムの乱」については知ってますよね?
Lysithea: You know about the Hrym rebellion, right?
フェルディナント: もちろんだとも。中央集権化を打ち出した皇帝イオニアス9世に対し……
Ferdinand: Of course. The rebellion started when Emperor Ionius IX tried to consolidate power.
The Hrym family tried to split off from the Empire and join the Alliance.
Working with House Ordelia, they raised an insurrection. The Empire suppressed it.
フェルディナント: 以降、フリュム領には傀儡の当主が立てられることになり……
Ferdinand: And then a puppet leader was installed in the Hrym territory.
House Aegir was tasked with handling the actual governance of the region.
Seeing this, the nobles feared that the Empire would assume total control.
That's when the six great noble families chose to wrest power from Ionius IX.
リシテア: 「七貴族の変」ですね。六大貴族なのに七貴族の変って、わかりにくいですけど。
Lysithea: That's right. The Insurrection of the Seven. I've always wondered why it was called seven when there were only six noble families.
フェルディナント: 六大貴族には、権力を失ったフリュム家は含まれないが、七貴族には含まれるのだ。
Ferdinand: It was the six great noble families, plus Hrym.
リシテア: 無駄にややこしいですよ。それはそれとして、七貴族の変の後……
Lysithea: How vexing. Either way, events unfolded shortly thereafter.
Are you aware of how Duke Aegir was ruling the Hrym territory?
He imposed harsh taxes upon the people― much harsher than on his own― making their lives very challenging.
People fled their homes in droves to the neighboring Ordelia territory.
But they were sent back from where they came. The Empire was occupying Ordelia territory as well, as it turned out.
リシテア: そして更に問題が深刻化したのは、エーギル公が失脚した後です。
Lysithea: Issues were further complicated when Duke Aegir fell from power.
Aegir was dismissed from his position, only to be replaced by Lord Arundel.
フェルディナント: エーデルガルトの伯父、帝国の摂政か……。
Ferdinand: Edelgard's uncle, the regent of the Empire...
リシテア: アランデル公は、エーギル公よりも更に重税を課し、民の生活を締め上げました。
Lysithea: Correct. And he imposed even heavier taxes on the people, squeezing them painfully dry. The people were conscripted for duty. Any who opposed were killed on the spot. Lord Arundel did this in the name of Duke Aegir.
フェルディナント: まさか……!?
Ferdinand: What?!
リシテア: あんたの父親も、決して立派な統治者ではなかったかもしれません。でも……
Lysithea: Your father was by no means a great ruler. But it was Lord Arundel who stoked the fury of the people and directed that fury at your father. Duke Aegir is not perfect, but he's not the villain in this.
フェルディナント: ……教えてくれてありがとう、リシテア。何も知らなかった自分が恥ずかしい。
Ferdinand: Lysithea, thank you for telling me all this. I am embarrassed to say, I had no idea.
I see now that it was not his fault. But he did go along the wrong path, and place a burden on his people.
He can no longer atone for what he did, so I will have to.
I need to go think about what I will do after the war. How I will make up for my father's mistakes.
リシテア: ……じっくり考えたいのなら、甘いお菓子が必要ですね。甘味は頭の栄養ですから。
Lysithea: Nothing helps deep thought like sweets.
フェルディナント: ……ん?
Ferdinand: Hm?
リシテア: 将来はともかく、今あんたがやるべきことは甘いお菓子を手に入れること、です。
Lysithea: Sweets. They help you think. Perhaps you should find some for us.
フェルディナント: ……わかったよ。見つけたら君にもお裾分けしよう。
Ferdinand: I see. If I find some, I will be sure to let you know.